“We are delighted to introduce ‘The Spirit of Rolls-Royce’ : a video series offering a rare insight into the lives of the marque’s patrons and how they perceive their highly Bespoke motor cars. The series begins with long-time Rolls-Royce collaborator, Jihan Nezir, who shares her love of Phantom. We are delighted that we are able to share, support and serve the legacies of these remarkable women and men through the Rolls-Royce brand and this content series.”
César Habib, Regional Director, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Middle East & Africa
Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Middle East & Africa is pleased to present the first episode of its five-part video series, ‘The Spirit of Rolls-Royce’. Each short film will offer a rare insight into the most remarkable consumer group in the world – the Rolls-Royce client.

Episode one focusses on interior designer Jihan Nezir, who takes to roads of Jebel Jais in Ras Al Khaimah to discuss what what it means to her to commission a Bespoke Rolls-Royce Phantom; a motor car Mrs. Nezir describes as: “the crown of Rolls-Royce, offering a different level of luxury.”
Speaking in a recent interview published on the marque’s Whispers app, Mrs. Nezir described her commissioning experience in more detail, explaining that customising a new Rolls-Royce motor car is akin to opening a new book – the vastness of the marque’s Bespoke offering serving as inspiration in itself because it allows her to create such unique personalities for her individual motor cars.

Mrs. Nezir says, “Rolls‑Royce is my canvas. I find inspiration in the beauty of the design of the cars; and the Spirit of Ecstasy also inspires me as a lady.”
To watch the video and experience the rest of the series, please visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TxIr3NnxXU&t=6s