Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Doha, the sole authorized dealer of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars in Qatar, has been recognized for its stellar performance in 2016 by winning five awards at the annual Rolls-Royce Regional Dealer Awards for Middle East and Africa, held recently in Dubai, UAE.

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Doha picked up accolades for outstanding achievement in Aftersales and best Aftersales Marketing Initiative. In addition to these, two Certificates of Excellence were awarded for an outstanding achievement, one in Marketing and one Public Relations achieving this award for the third time running - all which helped to contribute towards Roll-Royce Motor Cars Doha ongoing success.

This regional recognition is testament to Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Doha commitment to delivering phenomenal results across all verticals of its Rolls-Royce Motor Cars business. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Doha has had a strong start to 2017 so far and look forward to another successful, promising year ahead.